Page 10 - Sattva_2024
P. 10

“Where We are Now“

          Operation’s Overview                                    This  report  further  delves  into  the

                                                                  department's  achievements  in  social
                                                                  sustainability,  including  initiatives  that
          The  Kochi  Metro  Rail  Limited  is  committed  to
          delivering a world-class public transport system        promote inclusivity and accessibility for all
          that  prioritizes  not  just  passenger  convenience    passengers, and community engagement
          and  safety,  but  also  environmental  and  social     programs that foster a sense of ownership
          sustainability. This report outlines the significant    and pride in the metro system.
          strides taken by the O&M department during the          We  believe  that  transparency  is  key  to

          financial year 2023-24 in integrating sustainable       continuous  improvement.  This  report
          practices  into  its  daily  operations.  The  O&M      provides a comprehensive overview of the
          department recognizes its responsibility towards        O&M  department's  sustainability  goals,
          minimizing  the  environmental  impact  of  metro       strategies, and achievements for the year
          operations. This report details the department's        2023-24.  We  are  confident  that  our
          initiatives in areas such as energy conservation,       commitment  to  sustainable  practices  will

          waste  management,  and  promoting  green               not  only  benefit  the  environment  and
          commuting  habits  among  passengers.  We               society,  but  also  ensure  the  long-term
          highlight  the  adoption  of  energy-efficient          viability and success of the Kochi Metro.
          technologies, the implementation of responsible
          waste  disposal  and  recycling  programs,  and
          efforts   to   raise    awareness      about    the
          environmental benefits of using the metro as a

          sustainable mode of transportation.
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