Page 27 - Sattva_2024
P. 27

Strengthening Safety

         Practices Through Internal


         In  accordance  with  the  pre-defined

         Internal        Safety        Audit       Plan
         established  in  2023,  Kochi  Metro

         Rail     Limited       has      successfully

         completed  a  comprehensive  safety
         review  of  all  its  departments.  This

         audit,  conducted  for  the  second
                                                              Security Mock Drill
         time          since          the         plan's
         implementation, serves as a crucial
                                                              KMRL  conducted  a  comprehensive
         mechanism  for  ensuring  the  well-
                                                              security mock drill at Vytila station to
         being  of  not  only  staff  but  also  all
                                                              bolster            the           emergency
         stakeholders  who  interact  with  the
                                                              preparedness           of     its     security
         metro system.
                                                              personnel  and  foster  seamless

                                                              collaboration  with  local  authorities.
         The  audit  process  involved  a
                                                              This  drill  transcended  departmental
         meticulous  examination  of  various
                                                              boundaries, with active participation
         departmental procedures, protocols,
                                                              from  the  police,  fire  &  rescue
         and infrastructure elements. This in-
         depth  analysis  aimes  to  identify                 services, and medical teams.

         potential safety hazards and ensure

         adherence  to  established  safety                   The  simulation  exercise  aimed  to
         regulations.                                         evaluate           response             times,

                                                              communication            protocols,        and

         Through  this  annul  safety  audit,                 overall      coordination         during       a
         KMRL              demonstrates               its     security      incident.       By      working

         commitment              to        continuous         together in a simulated environment,
         improvement          and       a    proactive        security            personnel              and

         approach  to  safety  management.                    representatives           from         various

         The  findings  from  this  audit  will  be           government  agencies  were  able  to
         used  to  further  refine  safety                    refine their response strategies and

         practices  across  the  organization,                ensure  a  unified  approach  to
         fostering a culture of risk awareness                safeguarding  passengers  and  staff

         and prevention throughout KMRL.                      in the event of an actual emergency.
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