Celebration on Wheels – Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

Celebration on Wheels

Celebrations on Wheels in Metro

(Birthday Party, Matrimonial Photo & Events etc)

1. General

In order to give an elegant feel to the special Occasions like birthdays, matrimonial events & other celebrations, Kochi Metro is offering an opportunity to  celebrate with Kochi Metro in running or stationary trains.

Kochi Metro aims to produce a unique destination & environment for Celebrations to make memorable days for the people. These directions are meant to promote.  Kochi Metro as an attractive,  accessible and affordable destination for “Birthday parties, pre-wedding and other similar  celebrations film shoots” etc and to create brand image as one of the most preferred venues in the city of Kochi and the  suburban areas. Introducing this concept, KMRL aims to become an unique destination for birthday celebration, pre-wedding event program for residents of  Kochi and Greater Kochi and to generate non-fare box revenue through short term licensing of KMRL’s coach/ train for sustainable development.

2.  About the Service

An interested Applicant (i.e. Individual, Sole Proprietorship Firm/ Registered Partnership Firm/Public Limited Company/Private Limited Company/ Government  Organization/ Public Sector Undertaking/ Society/ Trust/LLP etc) should make a request for an event as listed in the Annexure in an Application Form as specified in Annexure-1

3. Commercial Purpose Vehicle(CPV)

The special purpose moving or static vehicle carrying people in a coach or train,permitted for celebrating the personal party or event for specified purpose during the permitted time and location approved by KMRL as part of  the other O&M purpose as per O&M Act 2002 Chapter III functions & Power of Metro Railway Administration(b)


  • The required coach/coaches shall be allotted to the Applicant by KMRL on payments of required fee and subject to terms & conditions as given in the approval letter.
  • KMRl shall allow up to 100 (Hundred) people per coach for the event including Adults and Children.
  • One (01) centre table shall be permitted inside each coach if required.
  • The arrangement for dedicated dustbins and 1 housekeeping staff shall be made available by KMRL.
  • Additionally, supervisory staff, as deemed appropriate by KMRL, shall be deployed.
  • The celebration can be organized in a moving or stationary Train based upon the tariff chosen, and approval given by KMRL.
  • The selection of train and time of event shall be finalized by KMRL only.
  • Location of stationary train shall be Muttom Station Third platform, any change shall be intimated at the time of booking.
  • Boarding and de-boarding of guests and the applicants shall be from one station only.
  • Any damage to the property of Kochi Metro shall be the liability of the organizer/ applicant.
  • No person will be allowed to enter into the Train operator’s cabin.
  • All permitted Materials will be scanned through security before permitting into Stations & Train.

Note: As on eco-friendly mode of transport, KMRL recommends bildegradable material for decoration.

4     Schedule of Charges

“Security deposit shall be deducted if there is any loss/damage of any property.

Revenue Hours: 0600 Hrs to 2200Hrs

Static Train: A train which is neither moving nor supposed to move till the party is over but manned by KMRL TO during the entire event.

Dynamic Train: A train which is running in main line and manned by KMRL TO during the entire event


Further information like mode of payment,  security deposit and its refund, indemnity bond, application process,  facilities provided and other related information would be  shared at the time of booking the event.


For Application form, click here.