Phase I Extensions Status – Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

Phase I Extensions Status

Phase-I Extension (Petta to Trippunithura Terminal)

Phase-I extension consists of two phases, Phase-IA from Petta to SN Junction (1.8 km) & Phase-IB from SN Junction to Thrippunithura Terminal ( 1.2 km) which consists of 3 Nos of Elevated Stations. The approved cost of Phase-IA (Petta to SN Junction) & Phase-IB SN Junction to Thrippunithura Terminal is 710.93 crore & 448.33 Crore respectively.

Commercial Operation:

The Phase-I Extension from Petta to SN Junction (Phase-IA) of length 1.8 km & 2 stations was commissioned and opened to the public on 1st September 2022 after inauguration by the Hon’ble Prime Minister.

The Phase-I Extension from SN Junction to Thrippunithura Terminal (Phase-IB) of 1.2 km & 1 station is in advanced stage of construction and is expected to be commissioned by the end of December 2023.