Phase II Project Status – Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

Phase II Project Status



Kochi Metro Rail project Phase-II consists of 11.2 km with 11 stations which will be passing through major locations of employment and passenger hubs viz. Infopark, SmartCity, District Headquarters, Cochin Special Economic Zone (CSEZ),  KINFRA, Rajagiri Vidyapeetham, etc.

Phase-II network of Kochi Metro Rail project shall connect the central part of Ernakulam to Infopark and SmartCity via Kakkanad. Infopark and Smart City are large IT hubs of Kerala and Kakkanad is the place, where the district headquarters and major residential and commercial hub with industrial area viz Cochin Special Economic Zone (CSEZ), KINFRA, etc. are located. The alignment will connect Palarivattom Junction with residential areas like Aalinchuvadu and Chembumukku and above institutions like District headquarters at Kakkanad, CSEZ, KINFRA, Rajagiri Vidyapeetham and IT hubs like Infopark & SmartCity.

Multimodal integration

Phase-II of Kochi Metro Rail corridor will provide multimodal integration by integrating the metro alignment with bus transport system, water transport (Kochi Water Metro Ltd.), public bicycle sharing system, etc. at various locations.

Phase-II Approvals

Government of India accorded ‘In principle’ approval for the Phase-II of Kochi Metro Rail Project from JLN Stadium to Infopark via Kakkanad at the cost of Rs. 1957.05 crore, communicated vide MoHUA Letter No F.No.K-14011/08/2015-MRTS-IV dated 26th February 2019.

Hon’ble Prime Minister laid the Foundation stone of Phase-II of Kochi Metro Rail project on 01st  September 2022 in the presence of Hon’ble Governor and Chief Minister.

Central Cabinet accorded approval for Phase-II on 07th September 2022 and MoHUA issued the sanction order for the Phase-II Project on 21st November 2022.

Project Cost and funding

Total project cost as per Approved DPR  – 1957.05 crore

S.No. Source Amount

(Rs. in crore)

% Contribution
1 GoI Equity 274.90 16.23 %
2 GoK Equity 274.90 16.23 %
3 SD for CT by GOI (50%) 63.85 3.77 %
4 SD for CT by GOK (50%) 63.85 3.77 %
5 Loan from bilateral/ multilateral agencies 1016.24 60.0 %
Total cost excluding Land, R&R and PPP component 1693.74 100.00 %
6 SD by GOK for Land Including R&R cost 82.68
7 State Taxes to be borne by GoK 94.19
8 IDC for Loan &Front End Fee 39.56
9 PPP Component 46.88
Total Completion Cost 1957.05


General Consultants:

SYSTRA – SYSTRA MVA Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd. has been awarded the General Consultancy Contract for Phase-II of Kochi Metro Rail project.


Award of Tenders

SI No Description Total number of tenders Awarded Balance to be awarded
1 Consultancy 5 3 2
2 Civil works 5 1 4
3 Track 1 0 1
4 System 11 0 11
5 NMT 1 0 1


Project Status

1. Preparatory works:

Land Acquisition

Road widening work 100% Completed
Viaduct ­80% Completed and expected to be completed by 30th September 2023
Stations Expert Committee meeting on SIA study is conducted. Land   Acquisition is expected to be completed by 30th November 2023


2. Project:

  • Soil Investigation work is completed.
  • General Consultant for the Phase-II is appointed and started functioning.
  • Detailed Design Consultant for Stations is appointed and work started.
  • Detailed Design Consultant for Traction is appointed and work started.
  • Contract for the construction of Entry/Exit structures for Kakkanad and SEZ stations is awarded and piling work in progress.
  • Tender for the construction of Entry/Exit structures for Chittethukara, KINFRA Park and Infopark stations is floated.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Phase II Projects

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